Dove and Dragon Radio with M.L.Ruscsak and guest James J Bastian

29m | May 22, 2023

M.L. Ruscscak and James Bastian discussed the concept of psychometry, cyano glacier, and retro cognition, and how they are often accompanied by a traumatic event. They also discussed the research that went into James' book, Willis Pursuit, which is a sequel to his first book and deals with the research he did on immigrants and loggers. They also discussed the importance of archivists and librarians in the digital age and the need to visit archives and libraries to do research.

James Bastian and M.L. Ruscscak discussed James' upcoming third book, which follows the story of an archaeologist involved in the illicit trade of artifacts from the Middle East. They also discussed the importance of selecting a time period with a rich historical context for the book. Finally, they discussed the different publishing options available to authors.

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