UBI vs Inflation: Can Inflation Ruin Basic Income?

19m | Jun 29, 2021

Universal Basic Income (UBI) could cause inflation!!! Or can it? Mr. John talks about the ways inflation might be a threat to UBI.

**Spoiler alert** It isn't.

UBI is an economic model where everyone gets paid some level of income from the government, no matter what.This is, of course, a topic with some controversy. So let's start addressing that, shall we?

As always, let me know if you have counter arguments or can prove me wrong.

0:00 The start... in case you didn't know

1:20 Inflation isn't bad

5:50 - Fed controls inflation

7:40 - Supply and demand

11:55 - UBI shifts economic flow (not dilute it)

13:40 - Will property values go up?

18:55 - tl;dw / summary

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