Striped Bass Fly Rods With Herb Ladenheim

1h 48m | Dec 6, 2023

Herb Ladenheim is an expert on striped bass fly fishing and rod building. He grew up fishing in Queens, NY, and got into rod building in his 20s. Though he took breaks from the hobby, he rediscovered it while vacationing in Watch Hill, RI later in life. Herb has extensive experience fishing for stripers from boats and from the shore, including time living on a sailboat in Martha's Vineyard. Some of his early memories include fishing for striped bass as a teenager using sandworms for bait in Little Neck Bay. Herb now builds rods for top anglers like Chico Fernandez and distributes CTS blanks in North America. He shares his expertise on topics like rod actions, line weights, guides, grips, and more for building the ideal striped bass fly rod.

To contact Herb Ladenheim email him at

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Mastering Rod Building