CRPS Interview - Part 1: Allen Thomas from Squatch Zone

Season 1 | Episode 1
1h 6m | Sep 2, 2019

Today's guest is another YouTube Creator who has had RSD/CRPS for 19 years. 

His name is Allen and his YouTube channel is Squatch Zone where he tries to hunt down the ever elusive Big Foot and other cryptids. He also does live streams where they chat about anything paranormal, aliens, monsters, etc. (Link down below)

He is here today however to talk about a different kind of monster, a monster that this channel is all too familiar with, RSD... Allen will tell his story of how he ended up with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) from what would seem to be a routine medical procedure...

Please feel free to stop by his channel to check out his content and say hello! The link/address is below...


Allen's RSD Story from his YouTube Channel:

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CRPS Interview: Allen Thomas from Squatch Zone