#9 Using Laughter in Your Business with Bianca Spears Part 2

33m | Aug 7, 2020

Bianca’s Bio

Bianca Spears is a Laughter Leader, Business Mentor and Award-winning Coach who helps people to create lives and businesses that they are wildly in love with. Her mission is to help people to access the joy, freedom and abundance they dream of through better utilizing the tools that they were born with; reconnecting them to their inner wisdom, bodies and breath. 

She's helped entrepreneurs to establish brands and businesses that create a lasting impact on the world and a sustainable income. Her laughter work has helped thousands of people across the world to reduce pain, stress and anxiety, feel good and reprogram their minds and nervous systems to achieve happier, more fulfilling lives. 

How can we use laughter in our business?

  • Before you get on a call with a client, laugh. This will shift the nervous energy 
  • Laughter can help you show up more fully for the session or call. 
  • It will help you be in the moment and be present.
  • Business can be a lot of pressure. You really want to be successful! Because of this, you can be stressed. Laughter will help you destress. 
  • Laughter reduces stress hormones and releases feel-good hormones.
  • When you smile and laugh with someone, it builds a connection with them. Business is all about relationships, and laughter will help build them. 
  • Laughter can also be good for your brand and image. 
  • Show your humanity and sense of humor. People will choose to work with you because of the way you incorporate humor into your brand.
  • Alexi Panos
  • Preston Smiles
  • When you build a brand, you want people to feel good every time they interact with you or your team or even your website.
  • Do what works for you and your business. 
  • You can post memes, videos, bad dad jokes or whatever. Be creative about it!
  • TikTok is influencing the business world. Create engaging, fun content.

Techniques to laugh

  • Pretend that you have a laughter ignition in the center of your chest. Take an imaginary key and turn the ignition. The first time, make one laugh. The second time ramp it up, and the third time laugh more. Just like starting the ignition in a car. 
  • Zipper laughter: try laughing with your mouth closed. It will make you laugh. 
  • Start in your belly with a hoho, and then move your hands down and up your body and change the pitch of the laugh as you move. 

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