The Diary of Anne Frank | Books in Sound

Season 3 | Episode 7
51m | Jun 2, 2023

Season 3 Episode 7

"The Diary of Anne Frank" is a poignant and powerful memoir written by Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who went into hiding during the Holocaust. The diary covers the period from 1942 to 1944 when Anne, her family, and four others hid in a concealed annex above her father's office in Amsterdam. The diary serves as a candid and introspective account of Anne's thoughts, emotions, and experiences during this time.

Anne Frank, born on June 12, 1929, began writing her diary at the age of 13, addressing it as "Kitty." She vividly describes the challenges of living in hiding, the fears of discovery, and the tensions among the occupants of the annex. Through her writing, Anne explores universal themes of adolescence, identity, and the longing for freedom. She expresses her dreams, aspirations, and a belief in the inherent goodness of people despite the horrors of war.

Tragically, in August 1944, the annex was discovered, and its occupants were arrested. Anne and her sister Margot were eventually transported to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where they both died of typhus in early 1945. Anne's father, Otto Frank, the only survivor from the annex, published her diary posthumously, fulfilling Anne's own dream of becoming a writer.

The radio presentation of "The Diary of Anne Frank" through the "Castle Playhouse" took place on October 11, 1951. The radio adaptation aimed to bring Anne Frank's story to a wider audience and highlight the profound impact of her diary. The dramatization captured the emotional depth of Anne's writings and the human struggle for survival and hope amidst unimaginable circumstances. Through the "Castle Playhouse" production, Anne's diary continued to resonate with listeners, fostering empathy, and promoting awareness of the Holocaust and its lasting impact on humanity.

Books in Sound is a free podcast series that presents a collection of hundreds of the world’s greatest books through the magic of the performing arts.

Different from audiobooks: Instead of having a single narrator read an audiobook, these performances have a full cast of actors, suitable background music, and special effects that help define the drama.

Most presentations are from old time radio theater broadcasts that have been remastered to remove most of the hissing, clicking and volume fluctuations. Many of the presentations are from the 1930's and 1940's, so a significant amount of work went into the remastering process.

Most presentations are about one hour, some are multiple hours, and some are abbreviated presentation that last about half an hour, making this series wonderful for bedtime stories, self-improvement by learning about literature, or simply as a very imaginative form of entertainment.

The episodes are not sequential, but we do recommend listening to the complete collection starting with the first episode so that you can grow and benefit from the wide assortment of styles and content.

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Books in Sound: Better Than Audiobooks