• Episode 050 - My client has a brown splotch... Now what?

    I see a skin disorder... a splotch... seems innocent enough, but I'm not sure that it is...

    About this episode...

    I often share the story from a couple years ago where I saw a brown splotch on a client's head. He got it checked out, and it turned out to signal an advanced stage of cancer.

    We see all sorts of skin disorders throughout the day. While we are not empowered to diagnose and treat them, aestheticians can and do. I often declare that we should have an aesthetician who we can send our clients to when we find these problems

    About my Guest

    Adriana Santiago is the owner and founder of Peachtree Aesthetic Center in Atlanta, GA. She details what an aesthetician can do for a Barber, and why she has a team of dermatologists supporting her. She details where aestheticians fit into a Barber's world,

    Contact my Guest

    You can reach Adrianna at Adriana Santiago owner of Peachtree Aesthetic Center: a skincare clinic and medical spa.




    47m - Jun 23, 2024
  • Episode 049 - Using our words to get the right clients in our chair - and interview with Betty Emrey, Copy Writer

    I'm getting people in my chair, but they're not my favorite people to hang out with...

    About this episode...

    Marketing ourselves as Barbers can be tricky. Yes, we are all supposed to take on all comers, yet each of us has a certain type of person that we vibe best with. In the Barbershop where i cut, soccer fans are more likely to wind up in my chair because we talk about soccer and vibe well with it. A Personal trainer may end up in another chair because, well... I'm not exactly into exercise at this point in my life.

    Betty Emrey is a Copy Writer, and knows exactly how to make sure that a company is attracting the right clientele... or their BEST clients. We talk about

    • The difference between "I am a Barber" and "I am THIS Barber"
    • How what we show tells potential clients how we are different from other Barbers
    • Some examples of how one can market one product - a coffee cup - to a variety of different groups of people

    About my Guest

    Betty Emrey is a Copy Writer - which means that she writes content for advertising and marketing campaigns. Advertising agencies, Marketing executives and elite level web designers bring her in on projects to hone the marketing messages for their clients. She specializes in attracting the right clients for any given company so that their marketing efforts and budgets are spent in the most efficient way possible. 

    Contact my Guest

    You can reach Betty at betty@UseYourWordsMarketing.com and visit her website, https://useyourwordsmarketing.com/ for more informations about what she does and to set up consultations.

    51m - Apr 23, 2024
  • Episode 048 - Getting a bite in between clients... is there a better way? - Interview with Dan Cornett, Nutrition Consultant

    We've all tried to sneak a bite in between clients - what if we didn't have to do it?

    About this episode...

    This episode hits close to home... I am just as guilty as anyone else of trying to eat something really quickly between clients. Yet a couple adjustments can make it a lot easier and healthier. In this episode, we talk about:

    • Fueling ourselves at the start of the day
    • How we create our own tired times in the middle of the day
    • What some of the "popular diets" do to us
    • Easy ways to keep our energy up all day and live healthier

    About my Guest

    Dan Cornett is a former wine salesman who has spent the past five years as a health and wellness professional, helping many professionals and entrepreneurs make simple adjustments to healthier, happier, and energetic lives.

    During his most successful year in sales, he had the same fast-paced lifestyle as we Barbers do, eating on the run, and gaining a lot of weight and health conditions which resulted in his next year being his least productive. As he began to learn about health and how foods work in our bodies, he turned his life completely around and now helps business professionals do the same. 

    Contact my Guest

    You can reach Dan and learn about his programs at https://challengeaccepted.io

    You can also contact him at (509) 435-2633 or info@challengeaccepted.io

    55m - Feb 11, 2024
  • Episode 047 - Don't Sleep on the Google! Interview with Michael Morse, Google Expert

    It takes a lot of work, yet my Google listing brings in more customers than my Instagram.

    About this episode...

    I am very excited about this episode...it has taken a long time to make it happen...

    • Why Google is so important
    • The most important parts of Google for Barbers
    • The one section which makes a big impact (spoiler alert: it's the section that most businesses fail hard at!)

    About my Guest

    Michael Morse is the man who got my Google restored when Google had removed my listing.

    He. got. my. Google. restored.

    That is a very heavyweight accomplishment.

    Have you ever searched online and wondered "Why do those businesses show up at the top of the map and I don't?" Michael helps small businesses uncover the mysteries surrounding how Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Yelp all work.

    Michael Morse is the Sales Team Manager for the Georgia market. Primarily working in Atlanta, GA. A rare Atlanta native, he graduated from the University of Georgia with a degree in Journalism and went on to write for a local newspaper for 3 years before heading back to college for a master’s degree in Sports Administration at Georgia State. He began his career in sales shortly after and has not looked back after working with a sports marketing and advertising firm. During that time, he learned about direct sales and made lasting relationships with other coworkers that led him to an opportunity with RevLocal, a Digital Marketing Agency in 2015. 

    Eight years later, Michael continues to meet with small business owners and share the importance of digital marketing strategy for the long-term success of any small business. 

    Contact my Guest

    You can reach Michael at 770-815-2867 , at his website: https://www.revlocal.com/about-us/consultants/michael-morse or by email at mmorse@revlocal.com

    31m - Jan 29, 2024
  • Episode 043 - Barber's Tools and the TSA Rules

    Can we carry our shears in a carry on bag? Who can we ask to make sure?

    About this episode...

    Nearly every week or so, I see Barbers asking about what we can and cannot keep in our carry on bags when we fly. As I go through these discussions, I see many different answers, yet I don't see a lot of definitive answers, so we remain confused. In this episode, we talk about:

    • What we can and can't carry (you'll be surprised)
    • The limits of the shears and liquids that we carry
    • Our options when we accidentally take something to the security line that can't go through
    • Talking with TSA

    About my Guest

    Eric Guthier is a TSA Headquarters Uniformed Advisor for TSA's Administrator. From Roanoke, Virginia, Eric joined TSA in 2008 and served as a Supervisory Transportation Security Officer (STSO) and Transportation Security Manager (TSM) for a total of 12 years. He began his career as a Transportation Security Officer (TSO) in Nome, Alaska; one of the most remote airports in the continental US. After relocating to Cordova, Alaska in 2011 as an STSO, he settled in Roanoke in 2013.

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions before traveling, visit the "What can I Bring" function in the top right corner of their website: https://TSA.gov

    Text questions by texting the word TRAVEL to Ask TSA, (275 872) 

    They can also be reached via Facebook Messenger and on X or Eric, or would like more information or help to find someone who can help you in your area, reach out to her:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AskTSA/

    X (Twitter) : https://twitter.com/asktsa?lang=en

    32m - Dec 16, 2023
  • Episode 041 - The Lesson of the Chess Board

    Dangit - this guy is always doing dumb stuff in the Barbershop... What can I do about it?

    About this episode...

    In the game of chess, each piece has its own role and its own job... and it is our job to use our pieces together to capture the opponent's king and win the game.

    How do we make this work in the "game of Barbershop"?

    • Do we know what each person does?
    • How do we work with each person to make a Barbershop as successful for everyone as we can?
    12m - Dec 2, 2023
  • Episode 040 - Opening our Barbershops where we want to open them instead of taking what we can get

    What if you could open a Barbershop in a Publix shopping center (or another high-traffic location)? What do they knw that we don't know?

    About this episode...

    Most of the Barbershop owners I have met opened their shop by finding a space (maybe a recently closed shop?) and then moving in.

    Most of them also wonder what it would have been like if they could have opened in a better, busier location.

    We can... it takes some prep work, and it often takes having someone representing us to the people making the decisions about what types of stores they ant in their locations... and who knows the ins and outs of getting lessors to look at us and to help us position our shops for success.

    In this episode, we talk about:

    • A lot of the stores in shopping centers and malls are pre-planned
    • How we can get our Barbershops included into those plans
    • The people who can help get us in front of the right people to open shops in the most desirable locations

    About my Guest

    Jennifer Spivey is a Commercial Real Estate Broker who helps small and middle-sized business into locations which will serve them best. She has helped high-end realtors, artisans, creative companies, energy providers, and top restaurants locate themselves in places where the location, by itself, is conducive to success. Jennifer has an affinity for small businesses and for adaptive reuse, bringing forgotten community spaces back to vibrant life.

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Jennifer, or would like more information or help to find someone who can help you in your area, reach out to her:

    LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifermspivey/

    Her website at ITRA Global Corporate Real Estate Advisors

    44m - Nov 27, 2023
  • Episode 039 - How Hackers Get into the Barbershop - Interview with Keya'an Williams

    Hackers aren't trying to into my Barbershop, Right?.... Right?

    About this episode...

    Are hackers tryin specifically to get into a Barbershop's network and computers? Or is it a numbers game where they just try a lot of things to see what they can get into?

    In this episode:

    • Hackers go after everybody... it's a numbers game
    • How they get us through our email and our phones

    About my Guest

    Keya'an Williams is an internationally sought after CyberSecurity expert. His career began as a chmical weapons specialist in the US Army, later transitioning to working with communications security with the US Army Reserve Command Headquarters. Since then, he has served in various IT and Information Security positions for the Center for Disease Control.

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Keya'an, or would Like to get in his chair, reach out to him:

    LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/keyaan/

    Keya'an's Company Website: https://www.class-llc.com/

    10m - Nov 14, 2023
  • Episode 038 - Barbershops, CyberCrime, and CyberSecurity - An interview with Keya'an Williams, International CyberSecurity Expert

    Hackers aren't interested in Barbershops, Right?.... Right?

    About this episode...

    A casino was hacked though a thermometer in a fish tank several years ago...

    ...but aren't Barbershops too small for a hacker to try to get into?

    In this episode:

    • Hackers go after everybody... it's a numbers game
    • How they get us through our email and our phones
    • How our wifi networks leave us open to being hacked
    • Simple steps to protect a Barbershop, and individual Barbers

    About my Guest

    Keya'an Williams is an internationally sought after CyberSecurity expert. His career began as a chmical weapons specialist in the US Army, later transitioning to working with communications security with the US Army Reserve Command Headquarters. Since then, he has served in various IT and Information Security positions for the Center for Disease Control.

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Keya'an, or would Like to get in his chair, reach out to him:

    LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/keyaan/

    Keya'an's Company Website: https://www.class-llc.com/

    46m - Nov 10, 2023
  • Episode 037 - How we $%&# up with Barbicide

    It's in Barbicide, so it's okay.... Right? ....Right?

    About this episode...

    Walk into any Barbershop, and we will see Barbiicide on almost every station...

    We will also probably see varying shades of blue inside each bottle, varying levels of fullness/emptiness, and other inconsistencies within the shop and the jars.

    Ivan Zoot breaks it all down for us - and if you have ever attended one of his classes or been at any of the hair shows and Barber expos where he is involved, you know that he explains things in a way that we can't POSSIBLY forget it!

    In this episode:

    • Ivan's professional observations on how Barbicide is misused
    • How the varying intensities among jars takes place
    • What happens when we are not using Barbicide the right way

    About my Guest

    Ivan Zoot is a widely known and highly respected Barber who holds World Records in haircutting and has written over a dozen books on the subject of growing a Barbering business. Ivan has developed and brought tools into the Barbering world, and is sought after to teach classes and to MC the educational portions of Barber expos across the country.

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Ivan, or would Like to get in his chair, reach out to him:

    Instagram: @ivanzoot

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clipperguy

    Website: ivanzoot.com

    Be a $100,000 Haircutter Podcast on Spotify https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ivan-zoot or wherever you find podcasts

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/clipperguysays/featured

    Products Discussed on the Show

    Ivan's Book Store: https://www.ivanzoot.com/educational-materials

    100x100: 100 Clients in 100 Days https://www.ivanzoot.com/product-page/100x100-chain-salon-edition-on-paper

    The Professional Haircutter's Pricing Playbook https://www.ivanzoot.com/product-page/the-professional-haircutter-s-pricing-playbook

    Barbicide Product Store: https://www.barbicide.com/shop/

    17m - Nov 2, 2023
  • Episode 036 - Get Caught Sanitizing - Interview with Ivan Zoot

    I don't want my customers seeing my disinfect... or do I?..

    About this episode...

    if it is true that perception is reality, then we control what our clients think about us...

    Which means that we control our first image by what we do...

    ...and if our clients see us disinfecting, then they know we run a clean shop.In this episode:

    • What customers will forgive us for
    • What customers will NOT forgive us for

    About my Guest

    Ivan Zoot is a widely known and highly respected Barber who holds World Records in haircutting and has written over a dozen books on the subject of growing a Barbering business. Ivan has developed and brought tools into the Barbering world, and is sought after to teach classes and to MC the educational portions of Barber expos across the country.

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Ivan, or would Like to get in his chair, reach out to him:

    Instagram: @ivanzoot

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clipperguy

    Website: ivanzoot.com

    Be a $100,000 Haircutter Podcast on Spotify https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ivan-zoot or wherever you find podcasts

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/clipperguysays/featured

    Products Discussed on the Show

    Barbicide Product Store: https://www.barbicide.com/shop/

    Barbicide Concentrate: https://www.barbicide.com/product/barbicide-concentrate/

    3m - Oct 29, 2023
  • Episode 035 - What Happens After 10 Minutes in Barbicide? - Interview with Ivan Zoot

    The Barbicide messed up my shears... right?

    About this episode...

    When a Barber first learns about how to use Barbicide in school, we know to sanitize our combs and other tools, and then put them into Barbicide for 10 minutes before taking them out.

    Then real life happens... and some of us... well... we get so busy that we forget they're in there

    So what happens after those 10 minutes?

    In this episode:

    • Ivan tells us what happens at minute 11
    • What is not happening after 10 minutes
    • What should happen at the 10 minute mark?

    About my Guest

    Ivan Zoot is a widely known and highly respected Barber who holds World Records in haircutting and has written over a dozen books on the subject of growing a Barbering business. Ivan has developed and brought tools into the Barbering world, and is sought after to teach classes and to MC the educational portions of Barber expos across the country.

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Ivan, or would Like to get in his chair, reach out to him:

    Instagram: @ivanzoot

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clipperguy

    Website: ivanzoot.com

    Be a $100,000 Haircutter Podcast on Spotify https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ivan-zoot or wherever you find podcasts

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/clipperguysays/featured

    Products Discussed on the Show

    Barbicide Product Store: https://www.barbicide.com/shop/

    Barbicide Concentrate: https://www.barbicide.com/product/barbicide-concentrate/

    5m - Oct 24, 2023
  • Episode 034 - Everything You Want to Know About Barbicide, but Don't Know Who to Ask! - Interview with Ivan Zoot

    That blue stuff in the jar... I've got so many questions....

    About this episode...

    IF WE'RE BEING HONEST... How many of us Barbers REALLY know the right way to use Barbicide?

    Yeah.... me, neither.

    Ivan Zoot breaks it all down for us - and if you have ever attended one of his classes or been at any of the hair shows and Barber expos where he is involved, you know that he explains things in a way that we can't POSSIBLY forget it!

    In this episode:

    • Ivan spreads The Gospel of Education of Barbicide
    • How most Barbers are using too much and wasting money
    • What happens when tools are left in Barbicide for hours or even overnight
    • Getting caught disinfecting
    • The definitive "How to Use Barbicide"
    • What else Ivan is up to, including his newest book!

    About my Guest

    Ivan Zoot is a widely known and highly respected Barber who holds World Records in haircutting and has written over a dozen books on the subject of growing a Barbering business. Ivan has developed and brought tools into the Barbering world, and is sought after to teach classes and to MC the educational portions of Barber expos across the country.

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Ivan, or would Like to get in his chair, reach out to him:

    Instagram: @ivanzoot

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clipperguy

    Website: ivanzoot.com

    Be a $100,000 Haircutter Podcast on Spotify https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ivan-zoot or wherever you find podcasts

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/clipperguysays/featured

    Products Discussed on the Show

    Ivan's Book Store: https://www.ivanzoot.com/educational-materials

    100x100: 100 Clients in 100 Days https://www.ivanzoot.com/product-page/100x100-chain-salon-edition-on-paper

    The Professional Haircutter's Pricing Playbook https://www.ivanzoot.com/product-page/the-professional-haircutter-s-pricing-playbook

    Barbicide Product Store: https://www.barbicide.com/shop/

    Barbicide Concentrate: https://www.barbicide.com/product/barbicide-concentrate/

    Barbicide RTU: https://www.barbicide.com/product/barbicide-rtu/

    Barbicide Wipes: https://www.barbicide.com/product/barbicide-wipes/

    Clippercide Spray: https://www.barbicide.com/product/clippercide-spray/

    59m - Oct 19, 2023
  • Episode 032 - My Appearance on Your Barber Podcast with Matt Bellotte

    What happens when two Barbers start talking? We talk for hours without missing a beat!

    About this episode...

    This is the first time I was interviewed by another podcaster. I had run across his podcast and found something pretty cool: a couple Barbers talking simply talking about the life of Barbers.

    I enjoyed hearing his episodes and how he would deep dive into observations, "beefs" within the industry, and into Barbers' lives. He and his guests would also talk about what tools they were using... it was great to hear professionals talking about what we use on a daily basis and why we choose to use what we do.

    Matt and I go into a lot in this in-depth conversation

    • We talk about my time with the Navy bands and how Barbering and music share so much in common
    • The start of my Barbering career when I was with Great Clips
    • Starting as a Barber at my age
    • The value I place on hair shows

    About my Guest

    Matt is a Barber at The Anguished Barber in Midtown, Atlanta, Georgia. A beard care and shaping ace, he began cutting in Arizona and has a passion for people and people's stories - a natural trait for this West Coast Barber here in The A.

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Matt, or would Like to get in his chair, reach out to him:

    Instagram: @mattybladezzz

    YouTube Podcast Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@yourbarberpodcast

    You can also find Matt's podcast on Spotify, or pretty much anywhere else podcasts can be found

    Book an Appointment with Matt: https://the-anguished-barber.square.site/

    2h 6m - Oct 10, 2023
  • Episode 031 - How do swivel-thumb shears help Barbers?

    Sure, the swivel thumb shears feel good, but what are they doing to help Barbers?

    About this episode...

    Willy Hyde is the Director of Education for SharkFin Shears, a shears manufacturing company which focuses on the ergonomics of cutting hair. Willy breaks down the ways that using a set of swivel thumb shears affects how a Barber's whole body works

    • The immediate effect in the hands and wrists
    • The extended effects on our bodies

    About my Guest

    Willy Hyde is the Director of Education for SharkFin Shears. He conducts classes nationwide at industry hair shows and in person at several Barbering and Cosmetology schools. His lessons and many videos online focus on ergonomics and how to use shears to prolong our careers avoiding carpal tunnel and other painful conditions/

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Dr. Willy, would like clarifications, or would like to contact him, here is his information:

    Willy Hyde - Director of Education for SharkFin Shears

    Watch the videos on SharkFin Shears' Education Pages

    Phone/Text: 860-262-1891

    Facebook: Sharkfin_Willy

    Instagram: @willyhyde

    5m - Oct 5, 2023
  • Episode 030 - If I'm in pain, I'm no fun to be around - From my interview with Willy Hyde, Director of Education for SharkFin Shears

    Whether we are behind the Barber's chair, or out and about, or at home, if we are in pain, we are not fun to be around.

    About this episode...

    Every now and then, one statement can sum up an entire concept. Willy Hyde is the Director of Education for SharkFin Shears. His statement really says all that needs to be said about ergonomics and protecting our bodies.

    Episode Summary

    • Pain keeps us from being present for our families and others in our lives

    About my Guest

    Willy Hyde is the Director of Education for SharkFin Shears. He conducts classes nationwide at industry hair shows and in person at several Barbering and Cosmetology schools. His lessons and many videos online focus on ergonomics and how to use shears to prolong our careers avoiding carpal tunnel and other painful conditions/

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Dr. Willy, would like clarifications, or would like to contact him, here is his information:

    Willy Hyde - Director of Education for SharkFin Shears

    Watch the videos on SharkFin Shears' Education Pages

    Phone/Text: 860-262-1891

    Facebook: Sharkfin_Willy

    Instagram: @willyhyde

    4m - Oct 1, 2023
  • Episode 029 - When should a Barber start using swivel thumb shears - with Willy Hyde of SharkFin Shears

    "They" (whoever "they" is) told me that if I'm going to switch to a swivel thumb shear, that I should do it early in my career... it didn't sound right, but...

    About this episode...

    Almost every person I know who cuts with swivel-thumb shears really likes it. I'm trying to remember anyone I've spoken with who didn't.... Now early in my career, I was told that if i wanted to cut with swivel thumb shears, that I should do it before my hands had learned the muscle memory of standard shears that don't swivel.

    It didn't sound right, so I asked Willy Hyde, Director of Education for SharkFin Shears, about his thoughts about when is the right time for a Barber to start suing swivel thumb shears.

    Episode Summary

    • Do Barbers need to do this early in our career?
    • What happens as we adjust to the new shears?

    About my Guest

    Willy Hyde is the Director of Education for SharkFin Shears. He conducts classes nationwide at industry hair shows and in person at several Barbering and Cosmetology schools. His lessons and many videos online focus on ergonomics and how to use shears to prolong our careers avoiding carpal tunnel and other painful conditions/

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Dr. Willy, would like clarifications, or would like to contact him, here is his information:

    Willy Hyde - Director of Education for SharkFin Shears

    Watch the videos on SharkFin Shears' Education Pages

    Phone/Text: 860-262-1891

    Facebook: Sharkfin_Willy

    Instagram: @willyhyde

    7m - Sep 27, 2023
  • Episode 028 - Do swivel thumb shears help avoid hand pain for Barbers?

    Having a swivel thumb ring on my shears is a big part of my last cut of the day feeling as good as the first, and my first cut of the day feeling as good as the last

    About this episode...

    Willy Hyde is the Director of Education for SharkFin Shears. He discusses why swivel thumb shears protect our hands so well and how they make haircutting easier on our entire bodies.

    Episode Summary

    • Why does the swivel protect the entire hand
    • How swivel thumb shears protect our body and structure
    • How long it takes to adapt to using swivel thumb shears
    • When in a Barber's career should we consider swivel thumb shears?

    About my Guest

    Willy Hyde is the Director of Education for SharkFin Shears. He conducts classes nationwide at industry hair shows and in person at several Barbering and Cosmetology schools. His lessons and many videos online focus on ergonomics and how to use shears to prolong our careers avoiding carpal tunnel and other painful conditions/

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Dr. Willy, would like clarifications, or would like to contact him, here is his information:

    Willy Hyde - Director of Education for SharkFin Shears

    Watch the videos on SharkFin Shears' Education Pages

    Phone/Text: 860-262-1891

    Facebook: Sharkfin_Willy

    Instagram: @willyhyde

    36m - Sep 24, 2023
  • Episode 027 - Barbers, Foot Pain, and Shoes

    Getting foot pain under control... What more needs to be said?

    About this episode...

    Dr. Quentre Shannon with Legacy Chiropractic discusses Barbers' foot pain, why it happens, and how it can be addressed.

    Episode Summary

    • What is happening with the body
    • How our stance affects our pain in our feet and in our legs and back
    • Looking at our choices of shoes and how their effect

    About my Guest

    Dr. Shannon and his wife, Dr. Jessica Harris-Shannon are the owners and founders of Legacy Chiropractic located in Tucker, GA. Legacy Chiropractic opened August 10, 2020 and provides services for those who are experiencing aches and pains, injuries from a car wreck and/or seeking maintenance care for their body.

    Dr. Quentre Shannon is a native of Forsyth (Monroe County), GA. Dr. Shannon is a graduate of Savannah State University in Savannah, GA where he obtained a Bachelor's of Science degree in Biology. Following his matriculation at Savannah State, Dr. Shannon moved to Marietta, GA to earn his Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Life University.

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Dr. Shannon, would like clarifications, or would like to contact him, here is his information:

    Dr. Quentre Shannon

    Legacy Chiropractic

    4073 Lavista Rd, Ste 371

    Tucker, GA 30084

    Office: 770.376.5784


    Facebook: getlegacychiro

    Instagram getlegacychiro

    TikTok @LegacyChiropractic

    13m - Sep 19, 2023
  • Episode 026 - What is Carpal Tunnel

    When I was a musician, the words "carpal tunnel" seemed to be a death sentence. Yet nowadays, there are ways to keep it from taking us out of the game.

    About this episode...

    Dr. Quentre Shannon with Legacy Chiropractic breaks carpal tunnel down to the basics for us

    Episode Summary

    • What is really happening when carpal tunnel comes up
    • Ways it can be treated, both surgical and non-surgical

    About my Guest

    Dr. Shannon and his wife, Dr. Jessica Harris-Shannon are the owners and founders of Legacy Chiropractic located in Tucker, GA. Legacy Chiropractic opened August 10, 2020 and provides services for those who are experiencing aches and pains, injuries from a car wreck and/or seeking maintenance care for their body.

    Dr. Quentre Shannon is a native of Forsyth (Monroe County), GA. Dr. Shannon is a graduate of Savannah State University in Savannah, GA where he obtained a Bachelor's of Science degree in Biology. Following his matriculation at Savannah State, Dr. Shannon moved to Marietta, GA to earn his Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Life University.

    Contact my Guest

    If you have questions for Dr. Shannon, would like clarifications, or would like to contact him, here is his information:

    Dr. Quentre Shannon

    Legacy Chiropractic

    4073 Lavista Rd, Ste 371

    Tucker, GA 30084

    Office: 770.376.5784


    Facebook: getlegacychiro

    Instagram getlegacychiro

    TikTok @LegacyChiropractic

    5m - Sep 15, 2023
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Beyond the Barber's Chair