003 - Finding Your Voice Again - Stacy Pendleton

43m | Jan 9, 2023

STACEY PENDLETON is a sound and energy healer/intuitive counselor who has been been in practice since 2004, and has been teaching voice for 25 years. She has studied extensively with shamans from South India, West Africa, and the United States. She has been steeped in meditation, music, and spiritual practice since childhood.

Stacy has developed a healing modality fusing Sanskrit chanting, devotional singing, and intuitive toning with Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, bells, buffalo drum, shamanic rattles, hands on healing, visualization, guided meditation, and aromatherapy. This modality aids in releasing past trauma and stored grief, relieving anxiety, removing obstacles to emotional and spiritual growth, restoring joy, and realigning you with the vibration of infinite possibility. It is deeply therapeutic for anyone who is experiencing life transitions.

Stacy connects with Divine energy, benevolent ancestors, Angelic energy, and benevolent guides and teachers to clear blocked energy and bring medicine to your soul. Stacy assists in restoring your body and energy field to a state of balance and harmony.

In this episode, you'll hear...

  • How music and spirituality have been part of her life from a young age.
  • How sound can not only calm our bodies but heal our traumas
  • How singing can be a powerful way to help us regain our voice.

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ABOUT BEHIND THE LIDS: Located in Costa Mesa, California, Behind the Lids Healing Collective connects like minded individuals with a desire to heal and be seen in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Our mission is to offer a safe container and setting for all those who walk through the doors to discover who they are on a deeper level. 

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