S4E20&21 The Pigeon was a Metaphor

Season 4 | Episode 21
1h 47m | Nov 4, 2020

Welcome to Parts 2 and 3 of the SERIES FINALE, on the now acclaimed podcast; Beers, Beats and Battlestar Galactica. Featuring your deep space award-winning face actors, Leesa Charlotte and Cayley Waldo.

It's been a rough year. Kind of makes you wanna grab a rucksack full o' booze, pitch a tarp, and shoot everything else into the sun. When modern life is all robots and income inequality, it makes us yearn for a simpler time. A time when angels wore pinstripes, men tamed gazelles, and women quietly disappeared after serving their purpose. Settle in for anachronistic fun as we explore ancient history: from Africa to Scotland, from wolves to dogs, from patriarchy to...oh hey, more patriarchy. There must be some kind of way outta here.

Thanks to all our listeners for sticking with us - all the way to the end, no matter what. We always wanted to be proud of you.

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Beers Beats and Bob | A For All Mankind Podcast