Episode 7 - Traveling for School

22m | Oct 22, 2023

School as the main activity of children means that during our interviews, education was one of the main topics.

Given that there was no high school on the French side, going abroad was mandatory for students whose parents wanted them to further their education. Having family already living abroad facilitated the move.

In this month's episode, you will hear Alicia Weinum, Jeanine and Etina Arnell, Ginette and Mercedes Fleming, Frantz and Fabien Gumbs and Olga and Rosette Gumbs relate their learning experiences with people from abroad and the journeys of St.Martiners out of their village to pursue their education on the Dutch side, in the French Caribbean and even in the United States

Music: Creole Stars - The Difference in St.Martin

1:05 - Rosette and Olga Gumbs explain that they had to go to Guadeloupe to continue their education. The modes of transportation available were the plane and the boat.

2:06 - Etina and Jeanine Arnell mention that many people in the French Quarter community went to school on the Dutch side

2:27 - Ginette and Mercedes Fleming tell their move the United States after doing part of their schooling in Marigot

3:22 - Etina and Jeanine Arnell recall their time in Guadeloupe

6:33 - Fabien and Frantz Gumbs went to school in Guadeloupe at different moments, one in primary school, the other once he was older

7:28 - Etina and Jeanine Arnell say that their was a St.Martin community in Guadeloupe

8:11 - Alicia Weinum names her teacher from Guadeloupe, St.Martin and St.Barts and discusses her relation to French and English

10:22 - Music break - Creole Stars, The difference in St.Martin

11:38 - Etina and Jeanine Arnell highlight how their school system did not necessarily cater to all the children and that some performed better through other systems such as Methodist chapter school

13:17 - Ginette and Mercedes Fleming reminisce their life in the United States and returining to St.Martin

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