Episode 2 - Coconut tarts and fly catchers

11m | Dec 18, 2022

Christmas is often seen as the best time of the year, even on our Caribbean island. From the food, the drinks and even taking care of our homes, it is a time where traditions seem to be particularly strong.

While some customs from Back then are still honored, others seem to have disappeared.

In this episode, Alicia Weinum, Etina and Jeanine Arnell, Frantz and Fabien Gumbs share memories of Christmas, Back then. Thank you for sharing these stories with us!

Thank you Joy for the serenading snippets!

In the introduction, you can hear King Timo's Santa Why.

1:00 - Christmas is Alicia Weinum's favorite time of the year

1:06 - It is also Jeanine Arnell's favorite time

1:09 - Etina Arnell shares that she remembers Christmas back then as a time where she could eat tart in the morning instead of porridge

1:40 - Alicia Weinum speaks about all the sweet things that we get to eat for christmas: tarts, puddings and more

1:48 - Jeanine Arnell and Etina Arnell describe how in French Quarter, the women would use Miss Ello's big rock oven to bake the tarts

2:28 - On the to the pork meat and pigeon peas with Alicia Weinum

2:33 - Jeanine and Etina Arnell explain how people would "engage the meat"

3:02 - Alicia Weinum gives us the program for christmas eve, and more specifically: serenading!

4:08 - Jeanine and Etina Arnell tell us about the Christmas tragedy: on the 21st of December 1972, a plane going from Guadeloupe to St.Martin crashed not far from Mullet Bay

6:25 - Frantz and Fabien Gumbs mention that they did not have many gifts for Christmas but they were satisfied with what they had

6:56 - Alicia Weinum remembers the activities for Christmas at school

7:39 - Etina and Jeanine Arnell associate Christmas with the return of their father from St.Thomas and all the nice things he would bring home

8:28 - Jeanine and Etina Arnell tell us what cherry trees were used for: the cherries for the punch and the tree as a christmas tree!

9:40 - Etina Arnell and Jeanine Arnell tell us about a special kind of decorations: fly catchers! Alicia Weinum also remembers these crepe papers cut in a design that they would stick to the high ceilings

10:53 - Christmas also means: cleaning the house says Alicia Weinum. Etina and Jeanine Arnell concurr: it was a time to renew your home.

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