Ep. 18 Passion: friend or foe? Exploring the dual nature

Episode 18
14m | Dec 22, 2023

In this episode, David Henzel and Eduard Brink discuss the importance of finding passion and purpose in life. They explore the concept of ikigai and how it can help individuals align their skills, passions, and what the world needs. They also touch on the potential crisis of meaning and identity in today's world and how having a purpose can navigate through difficult times.

The hosts share personal experiences and insights on finding and pursuing one's calling, as well as the balance between passion and reason. They emphasize the importance of focusing on what you can control and letting go of external factors beyond your control.

To top it off, they wrap up with a super handy exercise for listeners to assess their activities and see if they're really in line with their personal goals and aspirations. Tune in now!

"If you find your calling, then you don't work a single hour in a day." David Henzel

In Today’s Episode:

  • Finding passion and purpose improves mental and physical health.
  • The ikigai model can help individuals align their skills, passions, and what the world needs.
  • Passion can be a good servant but a bad master, leading to distraction and addiction.
  • Setting ambitious goals can lead to unexpected achievements and personal growth.
  • Balancing passion and reason requires focusing on what you can control and detaching from external factors.

"There's also a big lesson in what are you aiming at? Because even if you fail, you find yourself in a league where you wouldn't have dreamt of being earlier." Eduard Brink

Here's your action plan:

👉🏻 Grab a pen and paper, just like Dan Martell suggests in his book "Buy Back Your Time." Start by listing your daily tasks and creating those two crucial columns: one for whether each task gives you energy or takes it away, and the other to assign a value to each task in terms of its potential income.

👉🏻 Next, take a moment to reflect on your purpose, mission, and vision. Consider whether each task aligns with these guiding principles. You may discover that some tasks that initially seemed energy-draining can actually bring you closer to your goals.

👉🏻 Delegate low-value tasks whenever possible, and let's make a conscious effort to prioritize those activities that not only align with our mission but also energize us. This simple exercise can be a game-changer in reclaiming your time and moving toward your true purpose.

And don't forget to share your experiences with us! We'd love to hear how this approach transforms your life. Subscribe, rate, and leave a review to keep the positive ripple going. Visit for more inspiration, and remember, your feedback fuels our mission to spread the message of purpose-driven living. Rock on, and we'll catch you in the next episode. Thank you for being a part of the Love Not Fear podcast community.

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