Ep. 21 Action over anxiety: How the Serenity Prayer redefines stress management

Episode 21
12m | Jan 24, 2024

How often do we let go of control over things we can't change, and focus on what we can? In this episode of the Love not Fear podcast, hosts David Henzel and Eduard Brink discuss the Serenity Prayer and its impact on reducing stress and anxiety. They delve into the three elements of the prayer: accepting the things you cannot change, having the courage to change the things you can, and knowing the difference between the two.

The hosts share personal stories and insights on how they apply the Serenity Prayer in their own lives, emphasizing the importance of focusing on what you can control and taking action to make positive changes. They also discuss the benefits of talking about your problems with others and seeking different perspectives.

"Living by the Serenity Prayer helps me tremendously in life to be less stressed because I only focus on what I can impact." David Henzel

In Today’s Episode:

  • The Serenity Prayer, popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous, can help reduce stress and anxiety by focusing on what you can control and taking action.
  • Accepting the things you cannot change is crucial for finding peace and avoiding a victim mentality.
  • Having the courage to change the things you can empowers you to take action and make positive changes in your life.
  • Talking about your problems with others can provide new perspectives and solutions, helping you navigate difficult situations.
  • Applying the Serenity Prayer and engaging in meaningful conversations about your stressors can lead to personal growth and happiness.

"Not acting on a good idea doesn't mean the idea is bad." Eduard Brink

Apply the Serenity Prayer in your life:

✅ Take a moment to deeply consider the words of the Serenity Prayer. Understand its three core elements: acceptance, courage, and wisdom. Reflect on how these principles can be applied in your daily life.

✅ Identify personal challenges. Think about a current challenge or stressor in your life. It could be anything from a personal issue, a professional hurdle, or a relationship problem.

✅ Reach out to three different people in your circle. They could be friends, family members, colleagues, or mentors. Share your challenge with them and ask for their insights. The goal here is to gain different viewpoints and possible solutions.

✅ Based on your discussions, identify aspects of your challenge that you can control and take action on. Make a plan to address these areas.

✅ Acknowledge and allow space for any emotions related to your challenge. Understand that balancing emotion with action is crucial for personal growth.

Remember, the goal is not just to overcome a specific challenge, but to cultivate a mindset that helps you navigate through various aspects of life with a balance of acceptance, courage, and wisdom.

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