Ep 7 - Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon "The Holy Land"

35m | Dec 30, 2023

Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon is the executive director of Churches for Middle East Peace and an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC). Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) is a coalition of more than 30 national Church communions and organizations working to encourage U.S. policies that actively promote just, lasting, and comprehensive resolutions to conflicts in the Middle East.

CMEP helps church organizations, leaders, and individuals nationwide advocate in a knowledgeable, timely, holistic, and effective way to express their concerns about justice and peace for all peoples in the Middle East. CMEP uses three primary strategies to encourage U.S. policies that promote a just peace: Educate; Elevate; and Advocate.

Our conversation in this episode focuses on the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. Dr. Cannon offers a helpful perspective on the competing narratives invoking justice and peace surrounding this conflict, the underlying issues at hand, and some of the obstacles to and opportunities for a just peace in the Holy Land. Her story and perspectives are fascinating and listeners won't want to miss this episode.

Guest Links

Personal Website:

X (Twitter): @MaeEliseCannon

Facebook: Mae Elise Cannon

Instagram: @MaeEliseCannon

Guest Books

Beyond Hashtag Activism: Comprehensive Justice in a Complicated Age

Just Spirituality How Faith Practices Fuel Social Action

Social Justice Handbook: Small Steps for A Better World

If you enjoy this podcast and would like to find more content like this, please visit my website at, where you can listen to more episodes (and read episode transcripts), read my blog, and sign up to get weekly reflections in your inbox. I also explore the themes of this podcast further in my book, Seeing the Unseen: Beyond Prejudices, Paradigms, and Party Lines.

This episode of the Reconciliation Roundtable podcast was edited, mixed, and produced by Luke Overstreet.

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