Ep 2 - David Blankenhorn "Braver Angels"

42m | Jul 14, 2023

This week I had the chance to talk with a friend of mine, David Blankenhorn, about his passion for building bridges of understanding and helping people find common ground. You’ll learn about his journey from growing up in Mississippi to the inspiration behind an initiative he co-founded and leads called Braver Angels, a grassroots movement to restore civic trust that seeks to bring Americans together to bridge the growing partisan divide. David served as host of the Braver Angels Convention, held July 5-8, 2023 in Gettsyburg, Pa., where nearly 500 Braver Angels members along with 200 representatives from partner organizations met to launch a national movement to depolarize America. David is the author of In Search of Braver Angels: Getting Along Together in Troubled Times (2022) and has authored or co-edited 14 books.

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This episode of the Reconciliation Roundtable podcast was edited, mixed, and produced by Luke Overstreet.

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Reconciliation Roundtable