• How to Love the Unlovable - Talks on God with David

    How to Love the Unlovable - Talks on God with David

    • Loving the unlovable. See them as incredible actors, and still expressions of God.
    • love those who hate. teachers. reveal my judgments.
    • every action movie there is a really good bad guy. you can say, "wow that actor is such a believable bad guy, he is doing great!". we can do that for our bad guys too. we need people to play the bad guys or the show doesn't work. you can thank them if you see it this way. Don't try to see the good, just see how good of a bad guy they are playing. they have fully embodied their role, like a pro. Don't push aside dung to see a clean spot below, just appreciate the pile of manure. 

    21m - Jul 11, 2024
  • Shortcut to liberation - Talks on God with David


    Shortcut to liberation.

    liberation: fully awakening to true nature of reality.

    • it's the grace of god to even have interest in liberation.
    • See brother as the same gives you all things. Identity with the whole Sonship is first step to identity as god.
    • Giving is Accepting is Knowing God.
    • thinking God and your brother as 'another' 'out there' keeps you stuck in ego.
    • all suffering and confusion comes from separate ego's impossible struggle to survive.
    • shortcut: project your consciousness to highest point in kingdom. Phowa - technique that was kept secret.
    • Baba says this is secret:
    • Gayatri. give up all practices but don't give this one. youtube "Sai Baba chants the gayatri".
    • Baba says Gayatri is summation of Vedas (sacred scriptures of India).
    • Head, heart and request. the request is what god wants to give you right now.
    • Gayatri parts:
    • Acknowledge god who is everywhere.
    • Who is everything, I thank you.
    • I meditate on your divine light/effulgence. I see you.
    • Awaken me completely to this. I am you.
    • Only mantra: "I am god. I am no different than god."
    • this is deeper way of Gayatri line "I meditate on your divine light.
    • DAvid Icke, "I am infinite awareness having a human experience."
    • activating the mind to free is activating Maya, which is the belief in separation. so the mind nor Maya can free you, because the real You is already free.
    • Garden of eden. before knowledge of good evil, everything was easy. after they got judgment and made everything hard. the judgment is what makes things difficult. 

    30m - Jul 11, 2024
  • Head in sky. Feet on ground. - Talks on god with david.

    Head in sky. Feet on ground.

    - Dual Nature -

    - we are a piece of god but in a body.

    - the part in me that wants right, good, fair. The part that is separate and needs and wants and gets, that is separate.

    - physical body is loud yell. subtle body is soft, quiet whisper. the body is a wild animal needing tamed to have as an obedient pet. WE have lots of animal tendencies we need to learn to control.

    - Baba said, our job is to be fully human. Baba asked, How define fully human? He said, Well like Jesus.

    - Instead of "I am angry", recognize "my body has anger". treat the body, separate identity with love and kindness, like loving a horse you want to win over.

    - Be gentle, firm and scientific. learn and change from mistakes. Self examination.

    - how about letting the animal be and just associating with the self/spirit? Tune into divinity, higher frequency and you will get inspired to do this or that. It's not about meditating to be with god, then get up and do life like the devil. It's raising frequency so everything changes, even in physical world.

    - have a problem. get quiet and see what comes to you.

    - spiritual path: keep head in the sky but feet on the ground.

    - head in sky ex: all the universe is just perception.

    - Feet on ground ex: forgiving and having a tough conversation. key is finding the joy of the challenges of life on the ground, like enjoying a challenging game.

    - Enjoy the adventure of the growth of being human.

    34m - Apr 28, 2024
  • Giving is Receiving

    giving is receiving

    5m - Apr 27, 2024
  • What's Your Programming? Talks on God with David

    - Human programming and how to tell whether you have good or bad programming running.

    - mass programmers use this. religion, society, parents, mass media.

    - How know??

    - if unhappy = bad programing!

    - if happy = good programing.

    - programing is belif systems.

    - Shift your concepts: this is how to be happy - how to live life

    - ancient india was "sacred culture", just meant a lot of good programs, so had a lot of happy people.

    - consumerism is a program that says you are happy by buying things.

    - rich and unhappy vs. poor kid with holes in the jeans but happy.

    - dirt poor kid that was happy asked by church, "we have donations, know anyone that is poor?", he said no, we are all good here. didn't know they were poor!

    - sacred culture: you are a piece of god.

    - I need "this or that" vs I need nothing.

    - high thinking and simple living. - yogananda.

    - put a ceiling on desires - baba. they aren't bad but desire creates desire so put a ceiling on it.

    - better programing: after conversion practice forgiveness and love and service.

    - If have no peace/joy. examine how you think. practice loving others to change your experience despite if they deserve it or not. .

    - path of devotion: act appropriately but act appropriately. To all, "blessing to you may you find your way home".

    - edgar cayce "anything done from love will bear fruit eventually"

    - "blessed are the pure of heart and they shall see god". as we purify ourselves by actiing in love, we see god everywhere.

    - High frequency practices:

    - gratitude. forgiveness. Judging all as a piece of god.

    - Treat others the same way I'd want to be treated. - Jesus

    - Once you start to get a taste of joy you want more. "attachment to god breaks all the other attachments. - Baba.

    - attachments on anything else sucks.

    - attachment to own life and family.

    - story of alexander great that calls a great saint to have an audience to him. The saint said he wouldn't go, he just staying in commune with God and not leave, but Alexander could come to hom. the messenger said, "if you don't come i'll take your head." the Saint said "ok, take it". the messenger was told to stay that, but not actually cut his head off to test if he had attachments to his life, which is the last attachment.. When told this, Then Alexander the great came to this great saint.

    31m - Mar 28, 2024
  • How can I love everything Pt 2 - Talks On God

    How can I love everything Pt 1 - Talks On God

    What prevents us from loving everyone and everything?

    what's wrong w/ others thinking differently?

    • it's judgement. any judgment other than 'this too is god', brings our vibratory rate down.
    • What is "vibratory rate"?
    • deciding good and bad, now you judge and avoid bad and want good. = this is judgement that you don't have the info to really judge!
    • Why can't we judge accurately? (don't have the info!).
    • highest state of all is contentment. - baba. not seeking now resisting (push nor pull).
    • true faith is true surrender, not trusting god will do it my "good" way, but it's accepting all as perfect and from god.
    • better to judge 'this too is god' but can still act appropriately. the tiger is part of god, but don't run up and hug them. love the criminal/rapist, but don't invite into home to spend the night.
    • when god looks, all that god sees is god. all the rest is Maya (power to see illusion, see the One as many). we see maya, god sees god. spirit sees only spirit.

    13m - Mar 14, 2024
  • How can I love everything Pt 1. Talks On God

    How can I love everything Pt 1 - Talks On God

    What prevents us from loving everyone and everything?

    what's wrong w/ others thinking differently?

    • it's judgement. any judgment other than 'this too is god', brings our vibratory rate down.
    • What is "vibratory rate"?
    • deciding good and bad, now you judge and avoid bad and want good. = this is judgement that you don't have the info to really judge!
    • Why can't we judge accurately? (don't have the info!).
    • highest state of all is contentment. - baba. not seeking now resisting (push nor pull).
    • true faith is true surrender, not trusting god will do it my "good" way, but it's accepting all as perfect and from god.
    • better to judge 'this too is god' but can still act appropriately. the tiger is part of god, but don't run up and hug them. love the criminal/rapist, but don't invite into home to spend the night.
    • when god looks, all that god sees is god. all the rest is Maya (power to see illusion, see the One as many). we see maya, god sees god. spirit sees only spirit.

    12m - Mar 14, 2024
  • The pressures [of life] reveal, they do not create.

    see video on youtube.com/jevonperra

    The pressures [of life] reveal, they do not create.

    The experiences we have come from the thoughts we harbor.

    The pressures of life reveal those thoughts.

    No one can make you angry, or anything else.

    No one can make you happy, or anything else.

    5m - Feb 23, 2024
  • Devotion Vs Wisdom - Talks on God with David

    path of wisdom. path of baby monkey (hold on or die), left hand path. power of creator. wisdom devoid of love can trip you up, can turn into domination left hand path tactics. contracting consciousness to your point.

    path of devotion, path of baby kitten (you are held by mama), right hand path, love of creator. right hand path are careful not to persuade as not to manipulate. expanding consciousness to include All (love).

    path of wisdom in final stage merges into devotion.

    baba. god bigger than the biggest and smaller than the smallest. both paths merge.  

    35m - Feb 8, 2024
  • Don't Try So Hard: Brian & Jevon Life Talks

    Don't Try So Hard: Brian & Jevon Life Talks

    26m - Feb 7, 2024
  • UNselfish SELFishness

    1/25/24 - Unselfish Selfishness

    • happiness begins where selfishness ends. - john wooden.
    • suffering is the opposite of happiness. baba. the cause of happiness / satiating the desire can bring misery next.
    • happiness is satiation of desire. joy is alignment with higher self identity. so joy begins where selflessness begins.
    • Attachment will bring suffering too.
    • how non attachment?
    • dedicate all actions to god and take no fruit of actions. or act on promptings from God from within (dharma), so heart not mind. but can ruin if take fruit of actions (credit or blame).
    • avatar is Creator taking incarnation, human birth to set world back on track. Krishna, Jesus, Baba, etc.
    • people only start seeking god when you are crushed in your worldly pursuits. - Yogananda. But sometimes people seek god after feeling how good it is to serve, give up, live for god.
    • realize god's way is the ultimate of selfishness, the way to be happy. selfish selfishness brings misery. unselfish selfishness brings the ultimate of happiness. shift from mind/ego to heart. shift from part A to B.
    • Ceilings on desire - baba. keep some limits. high thinking, simple living - yoganada. go for what want, but keep it at bay, cause desires like the hydra, every head you cut off will sprout two new ones. do it but be aware and see it's not going to give what really want, lasting happiness. desire fuels desire. don't be possessed by your possessions (stressing about your sports car).
    • easier for camel through eye of needle than rich man to get to heaven (the peace within right now). rental properties, stocks, boat, etc, stress and cover way to peace.
    • kid was a spiritual renunciate and given up all but a few of his spiritual books which he kept with him all the time. His father got him a meeting with the powerful king. He then sits with king and sees his golden throne room and fine clothes and servants feeding him grapes and judged him as materialistic. He sat with him 'cause his father asked him to. As he talked servants came and told the king, "the kingdom is under attack! It's burning down!" the King said, "don't bother me while I talk about my beloved god with my friend." this happened a few more times until the flames lept into the throne room and actually caught the young renunciate's book on fire, which led him to jump up and franticly try to put it out.. King stood and waived his hand and all the fires in the kingdom went out. He was a powerful teacher. He said, "you judged me as material. I let my kingdom burn down as I know it is nothing and God is everything and you freak with one page of your book burning". Remove your attachments and be free. 

    32m - Jan 25, 2024
  • Hold High Frequency!

    Hold High Frequency!

    to do so, notice breath, change focus

    or expand viewpoint: 'everything is from god, being allowed, for highest good, supporting awakening of consciousness.

    between pattern changes there is chaos. 'cymatics'.

    27m - Jan 11, 2024
  • A-B To Freedom : Part 2 - How to do it in the real world.

    A B : Part 2 - How to do it in the real world.

    All our practices and religions are just part A. Part B is "being", it is frequency. The goal is to raise your state of being and then stay there in that high frequency. Turns out all the "bad" things in life is just an opportunity to let go of the ideas that keep us in lower states.

    35m - Jan 3, 2024
  • A-B to Freedom!

    A-B to Freedom!

    Using spiritual practice just as the starting blocks to launch into Sacred Feeling, and not getting stuck at the blocks.

    30m - Dec 14, 2023
  • The Sacrifice God Wants

    The Sacrifice God Wants

    31m - Aug 24, 2023
  • How God Meets You - talks on God with David

    How God Meets You - talks on God with David

    31m - Aug 10, 2023
  • Treasures In Heaven - Talks on God with David

    Treasures In Heaven - Talks on God with David

    31m - Jul 13, 2023
  • The True & Real - Talks on God with David

    The True & Real - Talks on God with David

    37m - May 26, 2023
  • Doing vs Being - talks on god with david

    Doing vs Being - talks on god with david

    36m - May 18, 2023
  • Effortless Effort - Talks with David on God.

    Effortless Effort - Talks with David on God.

    25m - May 11, 2023
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