Best Color Food Vitamin C in the World! | Atomy

25m | Feb 12, 2021

Vitamin C

500 mg of Vitamin C and 7 types of Color Foods in One!

Product Details

Net Contents: 6.4oz. (180g) 90 packets

Suggested Use: 1 packet daily

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place.

Price: $19 USD

Vitamin C (as L-Ascorbic acid) 500mg (556%)

Why is Vitamin Essential?

Unlike plants and most animals, humans are not able to produce Vitamin C. Vitamin C must be consumed in the form of food.

  • The main source of Vitamin C is fresh vegetables and fruits, but Vitamin C is easily destroyed when cooked.
  • It is reported that Vitamin C we consume from food and supplements is very similar.
  • Vitamin C, a water-soluble nutrient, is absorbed by the body and any excess is lost through urine


  • Maintain connective tissue formation function
  • Helps iron absorption
  • Protects cells from free radical

Plant Nutrient in Color Food: Phytochemicals

  • Chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants to protect themselves from harmful insects and UV radiation.
  • Pigments lycopene and anthocyanin for the red hues, chlorophyll for the green hues, and carotene for the yellow hues in plants.
  • One of 7 essential nutrients following water, probiotics, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Atomy Color Food Types

(Yellow Food)

  1. Mango 
  2. Tangerine
  3. Pumpkin
  4. Phellinus Linteus
  5. Tumeric

(Red Food)

  1. Strawberry
  2. Pomegranate

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Joshua Kim


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Adriane Navales


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