A Tim Ferriss Styled Muse

8m | Aug 20, 2021

Tim discusses his "muse business" principles in his book.

One common challenge for readers of The 4-Hour Workweek is the creation of a “muse”.

Which Tim describes as a low-maintenance business that generates significant income.

Such a muse is leveraged to finance your ideal lifestyle, which we calculate precisely based on Target Monthly Income.

Tim Ferriss is a perfect example of how you can manifest the life of your dreams from an idea.

He will be the first one to tell you that he is no genius. He is also forthcoming about all of the mistakes he has made along the way.

But in his ever self-effacing modest way, he reveals how anyone of average intelligence can create a muse to liberate oneself from an unwanted life.

He outlines the process in the acronym he calls.


Note: See the Muse style business referred to in this podcast.

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