S6E3 - Naughty List Nonsense - Actual Play

Season 6 | Episode 3
1h 42m | Jan 30, 2024

In this thrilling first play session of the Naughty List Nonsense series, our intrepid adventurers from Adventure AI find themselves on the sugary outskirts of Gingerbread Hollow. The air is sweet with the scent of ginger and molasses, and the ground beneath their feet feels soft and chewy.

The adventurers must navigate through the twisting candy cane lanes, solving riddles and overcoming confectionery challenges to uncover the whereabouts of the elusive Unraveler.

Will our heroes successfully find and confront the Unraveler, or will Gingerbread Hollow be plunged into chaos? Tune in to witness the dice-rolling drama, holiday hilarity, and unexpected surprises in this festive episode of Naughty List Nonsense Play! 

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