Ep. 15 | I Could Have Been Throwing Rocks At Goats w/ Jan Lorenc

Episode 15
1h 5m | Apr 11, 2023

This interview was initially published in December 2018.

In Episode 209, I spoke with Polish-born designer and architect Jan Lorenc, principal of Lorenc Design, a leading experiential design firm based out of Atlanta. Jan spoke about his upbringing in communist Poland and his subsequent move to the US at age eight, when the weight of communist policies and constant shortages of basic goods became too much to bear for his family. He also spoke about how this early life experience shaped his drive and work ethic. Listen in to hear Jan's journey through life and how he got to become the respected designer he is today.

About the podcast: The intent behind our podcast series "Truth Is Golden" is to look at renowned creatives and their work with a critical eye. We aim to ask deep questions in order to peel back the layers of marketing, clever one-liners and sexy branding. We want to show the world what it truly takes for genuinely creative forces to find their own voice build a career on what is very often nothing more than a drive to do things differently. We want to hear about the successes, the failures, the inspirational stories and the lessons gleaned from all of it. We want the truth, so that we can inspire other people to fulfill their own creative aspirations and in the process contribute to making the world a better place.

Credits: ©2018 Revelateur Studio Inc.

Post-Production: Ryan Aktari

Music: Bounce Trio, Star Animal, © 2014, All rights reserved.

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Truth Is Golden