• The key of prayer

    The world needs our prayer. God in Heaven will not do anything on earth when the church doesn't pray. We can move the hand of God through our corporate prayer.

    1h 26m - Sep 13, 2023
  • The carnal and the spiritual Christian

    It is good for us to understand why some Christians struggle while others are enjoying God. Is it God's fault? We need to find out where the problem is.

    1h 23m - Jun 10, 2023
  • Be an overcomer

    What is the meaning of the word "overcome"? It means to defeat. It means to win. As a believer, you are fighting many battles every day, and in these battles you need to overcome. The good news: God has made you a winner, an overcomer.

    1h 15m - May 28, 2023
  • The woman of great faith

    Today we are going to hear about a woman who knew that her daughter's freedom can only come from Jesus. Through her great faith, she received what she asked for.

    27m - May 13, 2023
  • Carrying the flame

    A church that has fire will easily defeat the devil. The church that has power will never be afraid to say "yes" to the Lord. When Jesus comes into your life, He will come with the Holy Spirit. He will come with His flame.

    1h 37m - May 5, 2023
  • What are you living for?

    Are you living the life you were created for? Are you satisfied within you? Let's explore these questions.

    48m - Apr 21, 2023
  • A crucified life

    Are you crucified? Are you dead to your will? As a child of God, have you come to a moment where you say, "Not my will, your will be done"? A crucified life seeks to do the will of God.

    41m - Apr 11, 2023
  • God never fails - only believe!

    We live in a world where we need hope every day. You need faith to live, you need faith to survive. You need this in order to continually face the storms of life, in order to keep trusting God, no matter what happens around the world or in your life.

    52m - Mar 30, 2023
  • What hinders me from receiving?

    God has prepared many things for his children, but there are hindrances that can make us not to receive.

    44m - Mar 19, 2023
  • Be strong and courageous

    You need courage to do the things God asked you to do. You need courage to be able to live in holiness. The devil is going to try to stop you with fear, so you need courage to step above everything he is going to throw across your way.

    47m - Mar 12, 2023
  • The importance of the word of God

    What does the word of God, the Bible, mean to you? Why do we have this book?

    1h 17m - Mar 4, 2023
  • About prayer_part 2

    Addition to the previous teaching about prayer.

    33m - Feb 19, 2023
  • The importance of prayer__Holy Ghost Baptism

    Why is God asking me to pray? Why doesn't he just do what He wants to do?

    1h 19m - Feb 13, 2023
  • God has an assignment for you

    God needs people like you that he can anoint to change nations, to break down the walls of tradition, and get the nations to flow into his kingdom. God needs you to fulfill his purpose here on earth.

    1h 15m - Feb 4, 2023
  • The living church

    We are serving a living God. He has a church, and His church has His life. We are all members of His church, so we are supposed to have the life of God. The living church is the church that has the power of God.

    1h 10m - Jan 29, 2023
  • Do you know God?

    Christianity is a relationship between God and you through Jesus Christ. God is inviting you into a relationship and is saying, "Let us be friends. I want to be your closest friend." This relationship needs to be established, it needs to grow. You need to know each other. God knows you, but do you know God?

    1h 19m - Jan 21, 2023
  • God saw you before time

    What was God thinking about when he gave his only son? It was you! Discover your worth in the sight of God, and understand why sometimes you are going through tough times in life.

    1h 19m - Jan 14, 2023
  • How to walk in the will of God

    Life is more than going to work, eating and sleeping. God has a plan and a purpose for each and every one of us.

    E11 - 1h 20m - Nov 29, 2022
  • The authority of the believer

    The moment you become a child of God, God receives you into his family and gives you authority to overcome all the powers of darkness.

    1h 15m - Nov 20, 2022
  • The God of possibilities

    You serve a God who knows no limitations!

    1h 27m - Nov 13, 2022
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International Christian Centre For Missions