Better Together ep. 05 (with Gordana Kostadinovska and Una Turalic)

32m | Jan 31, 2024

In this episode our host Matt Roger speaks with Gordana Kostadinovska, Manager of the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District's Multicultural Health Service and Una Turalic, NBMLHD's Senior Cross-Cultural Development Officer.

We discuss gaps that exist within our health services for consumers from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds and how the system can improve to achieve better outcomes for patients and their families.

We touch on the concept of cultural safety and how this can be attained in practice, providing examples of effective policy and planning for working with health services to develop better CALD services, focusing on how individual services can build their capacity, awareness and knowledge to better meet CALD needs.

The discussion canvases some of the main challenges faced by CALD consumers, the benefits of video interpreting services, and what genuine multicultural consumer engagement means. 

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Better Together