Better Together ep. 06 (with Lee Gregory)

26m | Feb 12, 2024

In this episode we sit down with Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District’s new Chief Executive, Lee Gregory.

We briefly discuss Lee’s professional background before tackling questions about the barriers and challenges to consumer engagement, the value of remunerating consumer representatives, and how consumer engagement at scale can help to achieve NBMLHD’s strategic visions of innovation and excellence.

We discuss the need for cultural change within health and the role of technology to maximise the impact of consumer engagement in the face of health literacy challenges, cultural and linguistic diversity, and the nature of complex and chronic health conditions.

The issue of trust between clinicians and consumers is raised, and the need more for proactive approaches by health services to gather and use consumer feedback while integrating these processes into everyday workflows.

Matt and Lee reference some recent, concrete successes of effective consumer engagement at NBMLHD and we discuss the need for consumers to receive feedback on how their lived experience has helped improve service design and delivery.

In relation to future directions, Lee Gregory recognises the level of enthusiasm for consumer engagement at NBMLHD while aiming for ways to increase its influence on models of care.

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Better Together