Swami B. V. Tripurari Live Q&A; April 14, 2024: Appropriate Aspirations

1h 3m | Apr 14, 2024

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00:02:34 You have mentioned that you received additional diksa-mantras from Srila Sridhara Maharaja. Can you tell us more about that? Are you still chanting those mantras regularly, or are they for special occasions such as when worshipping certain deities?

00:17:52 Before attaining steadiness (nistha) in our sadhana, what would be an appropriate experience of Sri Krishna to aspire for? 

00:29:59 Are ghosts real and is it true that they are the cause of mental illness?

00:42:36 Is Rahu a real planet?

00:49:01 What is the origin of the term acintya?

00:57:40 Should we be strict about breaking ekadaśi at the designated time?

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Swami B. V. Tripurari