Swami B. V. Tripurari Live Q&A; May 26, 2024: The Contrast Between Hiranyakasipu and Prahlada

1h 4m | May 26, 2024

Questions on today's Swami call:

When the sadhana-siddha enters the spiritual world, do they forget the baddha-jivas of this world?

Once when asked about why there are so many religions in the world, Srila Sridhara Maharaja answered, "There must be religious differences, but one who can catch the real internal meaning of the truth will be saved." Can you help me understand this statement?

Srila Sridhara Maharaja also said that since people are so fallen in Kali-yuga, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had to bring the highest conception of the Godhead to save them. Is it then ultimately to our advantage that we are so fallen?

Is it also an advantage that things like cheating and parakiya is not so foreign to us and therefore we can better relate to Sri Krishna?

When Sri Nimai Pandit was disturbed about unqualified people having entered the kirtana at Srivasa Angan, was his ecstasy actually diminished, or was that something he said to create a teachable moment?

When chanting the maha-mantra, should we focus on something particular such as the syllables or the spirit of service?

When we receive diksa, is it the nature of the maha-mantra that changes to give us a deeper experience or is it our body changing into a sadhaka deha that makes us more receptive to what is already there in the mantra?

The Bhagavatam's contrast between the highly demoniac father, Hiranyakasipu, and his most saintly son, Prahlada is considerable. What is the text seeking to convey to its readers by this contrast?

Why do we refer to Srila Sridhara Maharaja with the title Deva?

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Swami B. V. Tripurari