Swami B. V. Tripurari Live Q&A; March 3, 2024: Can One Be a Christian and a Gaudiya Vaishnava?

1h 9m | Mar 3, 2024

0:00 What is the significance of the name Rama in the maha-mantra? Is it referring to Balarama? If so, why do we always emphasize the virtues of Harinama, but do not often talk about Rama-nama?

00:18:52 Some say that in the Kalisantarana Upanisad, the maha-mantra begins with Hare Rama and that Mahaprabhu changed it to beginning with Hare Krishna because Upanisadic mantras should not be shared in public. Do you agree with this view?

00:23:52 Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura said that one’s svarupa will be revealed by the chanting of the holy names, and the guru will assist in this process. Will the guru’s blessing make the holy names more inclined to reveal one’s svarupa?

00:26:17 What prayers do you recommend for praying to Sri Govardhana?

00:33:04 Some spiritualists believe one chooses one’s next birth in between lives in order to best learn necessary lessons. If this is true, it appears one would have to be outside of maya for a moment and then absorbed into maya again when one takes birth. What are your thoughts on this?

00:42:46 Can one consider oneself a Christian and a Gaudiya Vaishnava at the same time?

00:50:00 Some Christians perform a kind of smaranam, meditating on the end of the life of Christ. Would their internal experience be similar to that of raganuga-bhaktas?

00:54:00 Should we take seriously if a desire comes naturally in our heart towards a specific relationship with Sri Krishna?

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Swami B. V. Tripurari