9. Cleantech 101: carbon accounting, startups vs. large company dynamics, finding passion for sustainability

27m | May 17, 2023

Listen in to Jackson, a carbon data analyst at a cleantech startup, describe his journey into cleantech, how today's startups and industry companies view sustainability, and tips on how to break into cleantech!

1:36 - Why did you transition to cleantech from consulting?

3:52 - What do you do at your cleantech startup?

5:55 - How a typical company would use carbon data management and their “climate journey”

8:15 - Why can’t companies measure and report carbon emissions easily themselves? Why do they need “carbon accounting” help?

10:00 - Pros and cons for working at a startup or a large industry firm with cleantech 

13:25 - Why people go into cleantech and Jackson's passion for sustainability

16:23 - What is driving companies to invest in cleantech and how seriously are they taking it? Where is pressure coming from?

21:38 - What is next for you Jackson in the short/medium vs. long term?

23:36 - Tips/advice for breaking into cleantech, including podcast and book recommendations

Book recs:

Speed and Scale by ​​John Doerr

The Ministry for the Future by Kim Robinson

Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist Hardcover by Kate Raworth

Newsletter rec: 

Climate Tech VC newsletter

Podcast recs:

How to Save a Planet

The Carbon Copy

The Big Switch

Watt It Takes


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