Tracey Vignovich...Reversed T2 Diabetes, Lost 57 lbs, and greatly improved health thru CLEAN Fasting!

Season 1 | Episode 60
55m | Sep 6, 2023

It was such a treat to speak to Tracey! She was so generous with the details of her story. After struggling with her weight for most of her adult life, Tracey received a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes in 2019. However, she was determined not to go on medication. She tried various methods to lose weight and become more healthy. Nothing seemed to stick until she found clean fasting. Once she began clean fasting, the weight began to drop off and her A1c improved in a sustained way. Now, she's down 57 lbs (197 to 140lbs) and her A1c went from 6.4 at its highest down to 5.4 currently!

Tracey shares a lot of good information about her mindset through her struggles and ultimate success with clean fasting. What a compelling story! I hope you enjoy it!

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The Fast Life with Diabetes-- Intermittent Fasting