Adam Burns and Nyree Krikorian...Couple that Fasts! He has Type 1 and she has reversed pre-diabetes...great example of fasting teamwork!

Season 1 | Episode 63
1h 4m | Oct 18, 2023

What a treat it was to speak to Adam and Nyree! They have been married for 33 years and are such a great example of a couple working well together to achieve their goals.

Adam has had Type 1 diabetes for the last 35 years and adopted a keto diet several years ago. He has since super charged his blood sugar management by adding fasting to his routine. Adam's last A1C was 5.6, which is very impressive. His wife, Nyree, was recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes, which was no surprise to her given her family history and her experience with gestational diabetes. Since finding fasting, she has been able to reverse her pre-diabetes without the use of medication, and greatly improve her blood sugars. In addition, both of them have lost weight, which was a secondary but welcome side effect of fasting.

I loved speaking to both of them and hearing their stories at what is the beginning of their fasting journeys. I will continue to track them over time and hope to have them back on in the future. It was really a pleasure getting to know both of them!

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The Fast Life with Diabetes-- Intermittent Fasting