The full update on: Hawaii's ongoing legislative stride to preserve home birth options

55m | Feb 23, 2023

It's that time of year again - the legislative session is ON! We give you a recap of how we got to where we are for those who may be brand new to the Hawai'i midwifery licensure conversation. And we share about the current bill that's making its way through the House right now- HB955. We answer common concerns and questions and share an important call to action at the end to make sure this bill keeps moving forward. If you're interested in how to preserve traditional birth wisdom - then take a listen !

These are the link mentioned throughout the episode:

The Hawai'i Home Birth Collective - for membership and legislative updates:


Video of Rep. Natalia Hussey-Burdick's opening speech on the House floor:

ACNM apology letter:

ACOG statement on racism:

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Women on Fire