Episode XXI: In Which We Discuss How Padmé, Leia, and Rey Evolve Throughout the Star Wars saga

Episode 21
29m | Jul 20, 2023

In this episode, Kiri discusses the character development of Padmé, Leia, and Rey throughout the Star Wars saga. She reflects on Padmé's strength and leadership in Episode I, her softer side and romantic relationship in Episode II, and her disappointment with her reduced role in Episode III. She admires Leia's independence and leadership qualities throughout the original trilogy, and appreciate Rey's unique and constantly different journey in the sequel trilogy.

04:11 - Padmé's strong leadership as the queen of Naboo and her composure and strength admired by the speaker during their adolescence.

06:16 - Padmé's transition from a strong political figure to a softer side as a friend and lover to Anakin, reflecting Lucas' tendency to portray women as getting softer throughout the trilogies.

07:31 - Kiri expresses frustration with Padmé's perceived lack of strength and untethered nature in Episode III, contrasting it with her hidden strength and decision-making in the deleted scenes.

16:51 - Kiri discusses Leia's character development from being strong and resilient to showing vulnerability and developing a romantic relationship with Han.

19:01 - Kiri talks about Leia's character development in Episode VI, where she builds friendly camaraderie with Han and Luke, showing a softer side.

23:55 - Discussing Rey's character development in Episode VIII, where she questions her purpose, her connection to Kylo Ren, and her path as a Jedi.

24:37 - Rey's journey from feeling untethered and scared to becoming confident in her identity as a Jedi.

25:41 - Discussion on the idea of accepting both the dark and light sides within oneself, and how it was portrayed in Episode IX.

27:36 - Reflecting on the relatability of Padmé in Episode III, Leia in Episode V, and Rey in Episode VII, and how they may reflect the culture of their respective time periods.

Suggested reading:

Love in Star Wars: The Prequels

Ruminations on Padme

But really, is Star Wars Sexist?

How Rey Skywalker Became the Most Powerful Sith of All-Time and Why It Matters by Michael Miller


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