23. Grief in Grad School

36m | Feb 11, 2022

On this episode, we talk with Cydnee aka @naturallyclarke, a third year doctoral candidate in Global Leadership and Change, about grief in graduate school. This is a topic many of us have experienced but for which there is little data. While there are studies about the experiences of undergraduates, there is scarce information about graduate students as a whole and even less about underrepresented groups within the grad student population.

On this episode, we discuss:

-What we want from institutions

-What we can do as graduate students to support one another.  

-Tips on how to advocate for yourself to your institutions

Further reading:

Varga, MA. A Quantitative Study of Graduate Student Grief Experiences. Illness, Crisis & Loss. 2016;24(3):170-186. 

Varga Mary Alice, Bordere TC, Varga MD. The Holistic Grief Effects of Bereaved Black Female College Students. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. December 2020. 

Varga, MA.; McClam, T.; Hassane, S. Grief Experiences Among Female American and Arab Undergraduate College Students. Omega: Journal of Death & Dying, [s. l.], v. 72, n. 2, p. 165–183, 2015.

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