S4E7: The Way You Define the Problem Will Define the Solution feat. Brian Pham

34m | Jun 22, 2023

This season we are talking all about impact – the people and experiences that have impacted us, the ways we are impacting others, and what we can all do to build confidence in our ability to make a difference. 

Our guest today is Eccles alum Brian Pham, who is here to talk about his experience at the Goff Strategic Leadership Center and how his time as a Goff Scholar prepared him to be an impactful leader after graduation.

Brian graduated from the Eccles School in 2022 with a degree in marketing and became a minor celebrity as the student speaker at his commencement ceremony. During his time at the Eccles School, Brian served as the Executive Director of Out For Business, an LGBTQ+ student organization that aims to increase inclusivity and representation within the broader business community. He also served as SEO lead at Sorenson Impact Center, where he led a website design project for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and was part of the Goff Scholars program. 

Brian and host Frances Johnson cover a lot in this episode, starting with why it seems like Brian’s generation is really interested in impact-oriented work and making a difference. They also discuss getting encouragement from Eccles professors to think outside the box, advocating for better LGBTQ+ workplace rights & protections, and struggling to overcome imposter syndrome and a lack of confidence.

Eccles Business Buzz is a production of the David Eccles School of Business and is produced by University FM.

Episode Quotes:

The impact of micro-relationships

[01:32] When I think of impact, I think of it mostly in the context of impact in relation to others rather than impact on the world. Personally, I prioritize impact on other people and/or recognizing how they impact me as well. It's those little micro-relationships that, I think, really make up your entire life. 

The goal of Out for Business

[24:56] Our goal isn't to be able to change everything. We recognize that, but it's that small impact we have. If we can change the opinion of three people who are classmates, I consider that success.

On learning to ask the right ask questions

[18:44] If you don't ask the right question, then you'll be solving completely different problems. the wrong problems, right? I've carried that principle everywhere, not just in my work but also in my life. Making sure that you're asking the right questions every step of the way changes how you view the world, work, problem-solving, and the broader scheme.

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