Episode 1 - What is Horror Joy?

Season 1 | Episode 1
17m | Jun 3, 2024

*In this episode we introduce the idea of Horror Joy and discuss how we have found joy in horror as professors.

*We take a trip down childhood chills with a discussion of our shared love for Goosebumps, Stephen King, and how nostalgia and joy mix.

*Jeff recounts his introduction to horror through old black and white movies and his recent viewing of Willow Creek, while Brian describes a late blooming interest in horror movies and his love for It Follows.

*The episode finishes with a brief discussion of The Blair Witch Project, exploring how our geographical backgrounds shape our reactions to horror.

*If you want to jump into our analysis, head over to episode 2 where we discuss Jaws. Otherwise, come for the horror. Stay for the joy.


Willow Creek

It Follows

The Blair Witch Project

Donna Haraway: Staying with the Trouble

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Horror Joy