Jaws - We're Gonna Need a Bigger Pod

Season 1 | Episode 2
38m | Jun 3, 2024

This week on Horror Joy, Brian and Jeff dive headfirst into the churning waters of Steven Spielberg's classic, Jaws. We'll explore what makes this film a titan of terror, from John Williams' unforgettable score to the lurking dread of a small island community. But Jaws isn't just about a giant shark. We'll also be dissecting the three major themes:

*An island paradise that becomes an isolated, exclusive community

*Performing masculinity and the environmental cost of unchecked ambition.

* The ecological nightmare of a displaced predator

So grab your floaties and prepare for a clumsy chase into the unknown. Come for the horror, stay for the joy.

Judith Butler - Gender as Performance

Jen Corrigan – Three Men on a Boat

Surveillance – Discipline and Punish by Michel Foucault

Sigmund Freud – The Uncanny

Christopher Neff - The Jaws Effect

Nicole Neff – The Belly of the Beast: The Uncanny Shark

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Horror Joy