Oh, God - Religious Horror

53m | Jun 17, 2024

This episode of Horror Joy ventures into the unsettling realm of religious horror. Brian and Jeff explore the depths of this subgenre through a chilling double feature: A24's critically acclaimed 'Saint Maud' (2019) and the recently released Neon film, 'Immaculate' (2024).

Prepare to dissect some truly horrifying themes:

*We’ll analyze how both films explore the control exerted over the female body, through spectacle in 'Immaculate' and denial in 'Saint Maud'

*We’ll delve into the contrasting ways these films utilize both physical and supernatural elements to create dread

*We’ll explore the chilling impact of institutional control within a religious framework

*We’ll work to uncover the difficult intellectual and emotional joys found in both films

So, light a candle and prepare for a haunting exploration of faith, fear, and the films that blur the line between them.

St. Maud


Carolyn Dinshaw – Getting Medieval

S. Trimble – A Demon Girl’s Guide to Life

St. Teresa of Ávila


Horror Joy – We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Pod

Arizona’s 1864 Abortion Law

Opus Dei

Julia Kristeva – Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection

Plato and Augustine on the body

William Blake

Rosemary’s Baby (Ira Levin)

Affective Piety

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Horror Joy