Episode 9 - Tom Ash on Working for Public Water Agencies and Lessons Learned for Regeneration

Episode 9
1h 1m | Sep 2, 2022

In this episode, Charles Upton interviews Tom Ash. Tom worked for over 30 years in the public water agency world and was the first to implement a water budget tiered rate structure, adjusting water prices to individual needs and usage. Using the power of data and trusting in their consumers intellect to understand the new system, he created an incentive structure towards conserving water allowing their managed area to reduce water consumption while the population was increasing, all without spending money on an official water conservation program. This episode contains many lessons that can be generalized from water use to all sorts of regenerative initiatives, so listen closely and enjoy!

Charles Upton is an expert in water management and long time Earth Regenerators member. He works with his company to reverse land degradation.

This podcast is a decentralized platform for the regenerative community. Anybody on Earth Regenerators can propose or record their own episode! So if you are already on Earth Regenerators, contact Jakob Seidler if you have an idea for a future interview or audio-essay. And if you are not on there yet, come and join us for regular learning journeys on the pathway to regeneration, inspiration from the many regenerative projects reporting there and a wonderful community woven around mutual support!

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