Episode 13 - Margarita Higuera on Self-Healing, Community Weaving and Granola

Episode 13
1h 0m | Sep 16, 2022

In this episode, Jakob Seidler is talking with Margarita Higuera, a regenerative project leader in Barichara, Colombia. She is an incredibly active weaver of community trying to build relationship-based, regenerative economic systems to strengthen self-sufficiency and cooperation in the territory. Her main tool of choice is various forms of food transformation and her favorite method webs of interdependent humans collaborating to create something together without the lubricant of money. We spend quite a lot time trying to find the elusive answer to what it is she actually does, we hope you will join us on the journey. Enjoy!

Jakob lives the life of a happy generalist, working on various regenerative projects under the banner of the Barichara Ecoversity.

This podcast is a decentralized platform for the regenerative community. Anybody on Earth Regenerators can propose or record their own episode! So if you are already on Earth Regenerators, contact Jakob Seidler if you have an idea for a future interview or audio-essay. And if you are not on there yet, come and join us for regular learning journeys on the pathway to regeneration, inspiration from the many regenerative projects reporting there and a wonderful community woven around mutual support!

Let’s regenerate the earth!

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