Episode 8 - Regenerative Project Leaders Carlos and Maritza on Roman Arches, Agroforestry, Bokashi and thier Vision for the Future

Episode 8
43m | Aug 26, 2022

Carlos and Maritza run an organic farm near Barichara that uses various techniques to make their agriculture more regenerative, from building loose dams to aid rain water infiltration to using agroforestry principles in their coffee plantations. The two are true community leaders spreading this approach not only to regenerate their personal land, but helping neighbors to do the same all the while regenerating the social fabric of their community. Enjoy!

This podcast is a decentralized platform for the regenerative community. Anybody on Earth Regenerators can propose or record their own episode! So if you are already on Earth Regenerators, contact Jakob Seidler if you have an idea for a future interview or audio-essay. And if you are not on there yet, come and join us for regular learning journeys on the pathway to regeneration, inspiration from the many regenerative projects reporting there and a wonderful community woven around mutual support!

Let’s regenerate the earth!

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