#361 Congenital Uterine Alternatives

Episode 361
1h 36m | May 15, 2024

The uterus is a miraculous creation but sometimes it doesn't follow nature's blueprint. Today on the podcast we discuss these fairly common blips (AKA anomalies or abnormalities) and their significance.

With awareness and empathy, we weave through personal stories and clinical presentations, highlighting the profound impact these uterine anomalies can have on fertility and pregnancy. We dissect the various types of these conditions, the possible complications, and the importance of a compassionate, patient-centric approach to care. It's a deep exploration of a topic that's typically clouded by misunderstanding, so we aim to bring light and informed guidance to those it affects.

Blyss shares a VBAC story as she continues to "patiently" recover. Dr. Stu wonders about the saying, "Life is like riding a bicycle!" and reads an uplifting twin story.

Key highlights:

  • VBAC Support and Hospital Policies
  • Long Labor Story With A Happy Ending
  • Controversy Over Doula Regulation
  • Understanding Congenital Uterine Abnormalities
  • Management of Uterine Anomalies and Complications

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