Has probado Grecia? (maridaje patrio 2a parte)

Season 1 | Episode 4
19m | Oct 20, 2020

Te has preguntado cómo son los sabores de Grecia, cómo se comparan con la comida que hay en México?

En este episodio te decimos!

Acompañado de la recomendación de algunos platillos que puedes probar aquí en México y la segunda parte del maridaje patrio con Paty Traviesa.

Recuerda seguirnos en Instagram @alv.aeleuve

Have you tasted Greece? (pairing part 2)

Have you ever wondered what the flavors of Greece are like, how do they compare to the food in Mexico?

In this episode we'll tell you!

Accompanied by recommendation of some dishes that you can try here in Mexico and the second part of the pairing with Paty Traviesa

Remember to follow us on Instagram @ alv.aeleuve

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