Jenese Gaston | The Physical Journey of an Energy Healer

1h 7m | Mar 31, 2021

Join us in this episode where I interview a very special guest, Jenese Gaston as she speaks about her very tumultuous journey. We discus her experience through multiple surgeries, great loss, faith, being a single mother.

This is a very touching and inspiring episode, demonstrating precisely what it means to heal within to contribute to healing the collective...

In Jenese’s own personal healing journey, she taught herself how to heal from chronic physical, mental, and emotional pain. In doing so, she lost over 100lbs, healed herself from degenerative disc disease, chronic nerve pain, chronic rheumatoid arthritis, chronic migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome, bi-polar disorder type a, manic depression, anxiety, binge eating, alcoholism, drug addiction, and post-dramatic syndrome from childhood, adolescent, and adult sexual and physical abuse.

Jenese is a true testament to anything being possible, and we are absolutely filled with gratitude to have her on the show.

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