Paulina Szara | Science & Soul

Season 1 | Episode 1
1h 17m | Mar 23, 2021

Join Paulina and myself for a very emotionally evoking journey throughout the topics of body image and relationship with food.

Paulina Szara is the founder of Science & Soul, a food delivery experience. With very much attention to detail, Paulina takes her time to choose fresh, local ingredients to create the perfect balance of nutrition, flavor, and color. Food prep as you have never seen or experienced before, with the intention to make the consumer slow down and really enjoy their meal, a rarity in todays fast-paced culture.

In this episode we discuss Paulina's journey in the realms of spiritually and its relationship to food, and how this birthed Science & Soul. Listen in as we cover some very touchy topics, and show a side of healing that is unfortunately not spoken on enough - eating disorders.

By openly having this discussion, it is our hope that we will touch the souls of others that may be enduring the same struggle, assisting in releasing the shame and guilt around whatever your experience with food may be. You are seen. You are heard. You are loved.

For additional support you can reach out to me, your host, Gianna:

To stay connected:

Introduction (0:00)

Spiritual Awakening (6:54)

Eating Disorder (8:30) 

Workshops & Epiphanies (10:33)

Mom’s Influence (13:39)

More into Eating Disorder ((16:39)

The ‘Poor Relationship with food’ Triggers & Being Misled (21:58)

Societal Standards (24:23)

Rebuilding A Healthy Relationship with Food (25:56) 

Changing the Way we look at our bodies and what the physicalities may be trying to tell us (27:24)

Unnecessary comparisons (29:17)

The power of journaling (32:40)

Social Eating Habits (35:04)

Physical Side effects (36:25)

Biggest secret (39:37) 

How many months are you? (41:35) 

Getting Back into nutrition (43:07) 

Dieting goals and verbiage; how do you want to feel? (43:07)

Nichole London (45:35) 

Side effects of healing at the core (46:25)

The Beginning of Science & Soul (50:48)

Prepped & Plated (51:51)

Animal Protein (55:03)

Mission (58:31)

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To Heal The Collective