Sabbath (ft. Tyler Staton) | Unforced Rhythms of Grace E9

54m | May 31, 2024

"Sabbath rest empowers resurrection work."

In a world filled with burnout, exhaustion, and shallow indulgence, Tyler Staton argues that Sabbath is a practice to reform our relationship with work and rest - helping us work with God and receive rest as a gift from him. Highlighting the scriptural foundations and formational purpose of this practice, he highlights the future hope that we live into as we stop and rest.

Key Scripture Passage: Genesis 2v1-3; Exodus 20v8-11; Exodus 31v17; Deuteronomy 5v12-15; John 7v21-24; Psalm 127v1-2

This podcast and its episodes are paid for by The Circle, our community of monthly givers. Special thanks for this episode goes to: Jon from Odessa, Texas; Nickie from Kansas City, Missouri; Katie from Portland, Oregon; Catherine from Medford, Massachusetts; and Amy from Arlington, Virginia. Thank you all so much!

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