Rule of Life: Part 1 (ft. Tyler Staton) | Unforced Rhythms of Grace E11

53m | Jun 14, 2024

Why a Rule of Life? Tyler Staton explains the why and the what behind a Rule of Life, outlining the biblical, historical, and practical roots of this practice. He argues that a Rule of Life is essential for us to preserve the new wine of God's grace in this cultural moment with new wineskins.

Key Scripture Passages: Matthew 9v14-17, Psalm 56v12-13, Acts 2v42-47.

This podcast and its episodes are paid for by The Circle, our community of monthly givers. Special thanks for this episode goes to: Joe from Huntsville, Alabama; Joshua from Columbus, Ohio; Caleb from Crystal, Minnesota; Jessica from Challenge, California; and Tanner from Moncton, New Brunswick. Thank you all so much!

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