Episode 6 - Loman

Season 1 | Episode 6
33m | May 28, 2021

Hi, welcome back to EQ vs IQ with Orla and me Martin. This show starts off differently to normal, as I am only joined by Loman because Orla took a mini hiatus from the show. The show begins with a couple of my favourite sports stories caused by some pretty stupid rules. 

The movie being discussed in this recording is Super 8. Once again, it is a solo effort by me as Loman and Orla (kindly?) decided to give the movie a miss. Despite this, I still recommend that you give this one a watch.

Finally, Orla and Loman try to prove that they can outdo Shazam at its own game, by recognising songs as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, because I'm scared of the big bad boys in suits, and I don't know copyright laws, the songs themselves have been cut. But hopefully you'll still enjoy the show!

Instagram: eqvsiq_podcast

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