Switch To Semi-Private

23m | Mar 26, 2024

It's tough to be just another fish in the sea. And if you're running a large group training gym, that's exactly your business's position.

Although large group sessions have their charm, they're not the golden ticket to business growth or client satisfaction they once were. These days, more and more gyms are leaving this model behind. Tim’s gym did just that 14 years ago, switching to a semi-private model.

And that proved to be a true game-changer.

Semi-private training strikes the perfect balance between personal attention and group atmosphere. Each client has their own tailored workout plan, yet they're not doing it solo. Instead, they're in a small group, guided by a single coach.

Unlike large group sessions, where everyone does the same thing, semi-private training ensures that everyone's needs and progress are closely monitored and adjusted. It offers the benefits of a personal trainer with the added motivation from a group setting.

Plus, it's a win-win for gym owners: fewer clients pay more, which means better revenue without the pressure of packing the room. (Something your coaches will appreciate as well.)

Although many gym owners recognize these benefits, switching to a semi-private model is not that easy. It requires more than just tweaking your schedule or renaming your classes – it demands a strategic overhaul.

Tim and Randy have developed a strategy for a successful transition that has proven effective many times. In this episode, they dive deep into all the details of making this strategic shift – programming, scheduling, equipment layout, marketing, pricing…

If you're ready to rethink your business model and consider the semi-private approach, this episode is perfect for you.

Tune in and let it be your first step toward the profits you've always dreamed about.

Key Takeaways:

Intro (00:00)

Large group vs. semi-private training (00:52)

How service names show value to customers (06:52)

‘Switch to Semi-Private’ course (11:17)

Certification for coaches (19:14)

Large group training is a burning ship (21:13)

Additional Resources:

- Check out our Switch to Semi-Private course

- An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro

- Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

- Business Accelerator Program

- Learn more about The Iron Circle 

- Business Talk with Fitness Professionals Facebook group 

- Jump on a call with Randy


If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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Built To Grow Fitness Business