The Key To Retention

23m | Jun 4, 2024

In any well-established neighborhood, you’ll probably find gyms on nearly every corner. Yet, while some gyms lose clients, others not only keep their members but also attract new ones from other places.

So, what makes people leave one gym and stick with another?

Considering today's inflation and rising living costs, it’s easy to guess that people cut their gym memberships to save money. But it’s not always about the budget. The real issue often lies in the experience and the perceived value for the money spent.

Often, gym-goers start out motivated and ready to hit their fitness goals, but if they feel like just another face in the crowd, they’ll probably leave soon. Generic group classes might satisfy casual exercisers, but those looking for real results might find them lacking because there’s not much personal attention.

On the other hand, gyms that offer more tailored services, like semi-private training, really make members feel valued and understood, helping them stick around longer. Also, offering a combination of personalized training, accountability, and nutrition can be a good reason to stay, even when times are tough.

This is just a sneak peek at what Tim and Randy will be discussing in this week’s episode. Join them and find out more about why many clients leave gyms and how you can boost retention.

Tune in now!

Key Takeaways:

  • Intro (00:00)
  • Client retention and reasons for leaving (01:36)
  • Importance of perceived value (08:06) 
  • The power of customized workouts (11:52) 
  • Transition from large group to semi-private training (13:07) 
  • Technology in training - Semi Private Pro software (17:41)
  • Gradual reduction of equipment (22:22) 
  • Recap (24:18)

Additional Resources:

- Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner 

- Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

- ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

- An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

- Business Accelerator Program

- Learn more about The Iron Circle 

- Jump on a call with Randy


If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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