1-1 The Boy Who Lived: The First Steps on a Legendary Journey

Season 1 | Episode 1
35m | Dec 29, 2022

Setting the Stage for a Legendary Journey - A Review of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Chapter 1

Welcome to the very first episode in this podcast! In this episode, we will deep dive into "The Boy Who Lived" is the first chapter of the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, also known as the Sorcerer's Stone. This chapter introduces the main character, Harry Potter, and sets the stage for the events that will unfold in the rest of the book.

The chapter begins with a brief overview of Harry's life before he received his letter to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was orphaned as a baby when his parents were killed by the evil wizard Voldemort, and was raised by his abusive aunt, uncle, and cousin, the Dursleys. Despite being mistreated and neglected, Harry has always been fascinated by the magical world and has dreamed of one day discovering his true identity as a wizard.

On his eleventh birthday, Harry's wish comes true when he receives a letter inviting him to attend Hogwarts. Excited and curious, Harry sets off on a journey to the wizarding world, leaving behind the Dursleys and the mundane life he has always known.

As Harry travels to Hogwarts, he meets Hagrid, the gamekeeper, and Dumbledore, the headmaster of the school. They tell him about his past and reveal that he is famous in the wizarding world for having survived an attack by Voldemort when he was just a baby. Harry is shocked and overwhelmed by this information, but is also relieved to finally have an explanation for the strange things that have always happened to him.

"The Boy Who Lived" is an exciting and emotional chapter that sets the stage for the rest of the book. It introduces the main characters and themes, and establishes the magical world of Harry Potter that has captured the hearts of readers around the globe.



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