S1 Ep:13 Embracing Divine Favor Through Declaring Ephesians 3:20

Season 1 | Episode 13
4m | Dec 3, 2023

I remember feeling like I was constantly wrestling with shadows, my past looming over me like a relentless specter. But imagine a light so bright it chases the darkness away—that's what I found in a simple, yet profound declaration over Ephesians 3:20, a verse that promises blessings beyond imagination. In this heartfelt episode of Crossing Bridges, I lay bare the personal tactics that have fortified my faith and soothed my soul. It's not just a conversation; it's an intimate revelation of the power that daily affirmations hold and the astonishing outcomes they can manifest in our lives. 

Let's journey together through the transformative effects of steadfast belief and how it positions us for kindness and favor in ways we could never predict. I'll guide you through a moving prayer that's designed to liberate you from yesterday's chains and propel you into the promise of today's new beginnings. If you are seeking a source of hope or a catalyst for change, this episode may just be the beacon you need. Feel the embrace of divine favor as we affirm our trust in a power that works tirelessly, bringing about more than we could ever ask for or conceive. Amen.


(02:15 - 03:35) Declaration and Prayer for Abundant Blessings

Your journey matters and your voice will always be heard here, so be sure to share your thoughts, questions, and reflections with me on my interwebs.

Thank you for joining me for another episode as we cross this bridge together!

So much Love, Rae

 Rae's Links...


00:02 - Rachel "Rae" Mindy (Host)

Greetings, hello, hello, hello, soul food family, thank you for being here. 


Welcome to another episode of Crossing Bridges with Rae. I'm your host, Rae, and today I just want to share with you a really short declaration and a prayer and just to give you some insight as to why I feel it's important for me to share so, as I've told you over and over again some of the things and tools that I used in the very beginning, when I was not only just trying to build a relationship with God, but also trying to feel better. I'm not trying to, but desiring to feel better, desiring to feel like, you know, I had someone on my side, I had someone to talk to, I had someone to go to when life was life and something to believe in and something to have faith in as well, because when you are unlearning what you have learned in your past, it is very daunting sometimes to do that, and so, very early on, I also listened a lot often to Joel Olsteen and one of the things that I picked up from him and this is actually from his book, I Declare where he, I believe, gave 31 declarations in his book, which is still to this day to me and a very important product to use, because one thing that I do know is constant repetition breeds belief, faith, trust. And so, for me, one of the things that I took from that book, or just took from him in his sharing or preaching or teaching, is the I believe this is the first declaration, but I don't quote me on that but the. The declaration is over Ephesians 3:20. And so I want to share that declaration as well as a prayer, and I implore you to use this daily and, if need be, several times a day, and I believe that you will start to see miracles happen if you're paying attention. If you're paying attention, you will see miracles happen. You will feel different changes in your ways of being, in the things that happen to you, in the things that materialize in your life. And so I'm going to go ahead and read it, and after I read the declaration, I'm going to read the prayer. Use it as you may. Here we go... 


I declare Ephesians 3:20 over my life. God will do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that I ask or think because I honor him. His blessings will chase me down and overtake me. I will be in the right place at the right time. People will go out of their way to be good to me. I am surrounded by God's favor. This is my declaration.

Prayer for today. Father, thank you that I am not limited by my past and how I was raised. Thank you this is a new day with new doors to open and new opportunities for me. I believe and declare that you are doing exceedingly abundantly, above all, that I ask and think. Thank you, Father, and so it is Amen. 

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